Thursday, April 7, 2011

This is one DEF deaf.

Terry Garrett has taught himself how to play videogames using sounds alone.  Blinded at age 10, he has learned to subtle nuances of the underlying sounds in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, and can complete the game without the use of vision.  He learned to recognize what the different sounds meant in the game, in order to paint a mental picture of the game and ultimately control the avatar flawlessly.  This clarifies just how important sound design is in a game--- it is imperative to have good sound in order to fully immerse the senses of the gamer into believing they are 'in' the game.  Terry has also learned to play Zelda: Ocarina of Time through auditory response as well.  I can barely complete some titles with the use of sight, and this person has learned to play by sound alone.  Now THAT is overcoming adversity.

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