Friday, April 15, 2011

Suckin' Good Websites

I think that is a good website.  It has all the key components of a well-designed site.  It has the home logo in the top left, a search box with navigation bar in the header, and contact information at the bottom.  The content is arranged in a 3-column wireframe format, and it is designed with a minimalistic approach with no background colors (white) or images.   Although the design is simplistic, it engages the user because the purpose of the site is to connect people socially, and it accomplishes this task fully.  It would be interesting to do a study to ascertain just how much time people spend interacting with facebook on a daily basis..... the results would surely indicate that the proof is in the pudding.

I think that the website design sucks monkey nuts.  The organization of the site seems like everything was shaken-up in a bingo-ball mixer and then tossed onto a table.   I find it VERY difficult to navigate to content that I am actually looking for because the navigation bar is not across the top of the page, it is 1/4 of the way down the page.  This is confusing and doesn't follow W3C conventions.  The homepage functions as expected, but it is not located in the top left of the page, making it seem 'out of place'.  I like the content of the site immensely, but the overall design needs further development.  Even if the designer's intention was to purposely place these items outside of convention in order to make their site 'standout' from other sites on the web.... it STILL isn't enjoyable to navigate there.

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